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New Single – Where Do We Go From Here?
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New Album – Changes
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New Single – Escape To Jamaica
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New Single – Snow in April
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New Music Video for Rest Well in my Arms
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Behind The SCENES
Videoshoot Upcoming Musicvideo
Release 11.11.2022
New Single – Long To Hold You

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New Single – Bonjour Ma Cherie

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Radio interviews
Radio interview Fame 95 FM
Radio interview Suncity Fm
Interview Radio Jamaica 94 FM
Roughhouse pays tribute to females
Jamaican Observer - Kevin Jackson
October 1st, 2021
Reggae artiste/musician Roughhouse salutes the contribution of women around the world on his latest single A Woman's Worth.
“I saw on the news earlier this year, a situation in Jamaica, where a young lady was physically abused because she did not want to continue in an abusive relationship. Also, many more incidents all over the world that are happening to women day to day. But this one incident triggered the inspiration for the song,” Roughhouse explained.
LIve Stream online Concert
Roughhouse & KPcrew with Special Guest Julie Lioness
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Music for Moria - ROUGHHOUSE
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Roughhouse is determined to maintain
a Jamaican-ness
by Howard Campbell @ Reggae Vibes April 25, 2021 News
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Located in the North-Rhine Westphalia region of Germany, Dortmund is one of the country’s most diverse cities. There are immigrants from all parts of the world, including singer/musician Roughhouse from Jamaica. For the past 25 years, Roughhouse has called Germany home. He has recorded five albums and numerous singles, as well as produced songs by artistes from Africa and Germany.
His latest song, Heart To Heart, was released on April 23 by his MPerium Records. A hard-driving reggae ballad, it is Roughhouse’s third single for 2021.
OWL Inter-KulTour: Roughhouse und Uwe Banton,
Reggae-Musiker in Bielefeld
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Keith Powell alias “Roughhouse” ist Reggae-Musiker und hat bereits mit “Gentleman” und “Samy Deluxe” Songs produziert. Er kommt gebürtig aus Jamaika und lebt in Dortmund. Bei “OWL Inter-KulTour” am 07.02.2020 trat seine Band gemeinsam mit Reggae-Sänger Uwe Banton in Bielefeld im Kanal 21 auf. In den Texten der Songs von “Roughhouse” geht es zum Teil auch um seine Heimat Jamaika. Er spielt beim Auftritt außerdem Musik von seinem neuen Album, das Anfang 2020 erschien. Zum Abschluss darf laut “Roughhouse” auch ein Song von Bob Marley nicht fehlen.